The shirt I am wearing says never loose your sense of wonder and that is totally me right now.

You ever have weeks where everything just feels good? Perfectly in alignment after months of it feeling all out of sorts? I stepped back from some behaviors and people that were not helping me to be happy, joyous and free and I stepped back into my soul. The one who knows what she needs. The one who isn’t insecure. The one who doesn’t try to fit in, the one who stands out. The one who is a child of God. The one is a bit untamed and wild but sensitive and vulnerable. The one that cries at movies and songs. The one that is most content with open, honest people instead of ones who make her guess her worth or place in their life. The one who loves baking, gardening, and helping others. The one who loves being with her kids and a few people who let me be me. The one who is still rebellious at heart but who knows when she can be and how to rebell in healthy ways. The one who can allow herself to float around and have a lazy days once in awhile. The one who doesn’t take the text so personally because she knows her intentions are pure and good and how people take things is their journey. Sober recovery is a journey. The twelve steps require constant reflection sometimes I don’ want to look but I do because I still have fear of alcohol. A healthy fear that keeps me self disciplined and humble at least some times maybe not all of the time:)
My sister has been sober for 31 years and still fears alcohol and what it will destroy in her life. Keep at it. You’re strong!!
Thank you for your post. Please share my site with her and others. I am trying to get a better reach. God bless, Becky