Sometimes we have to feel lost. We aren’t sure of the way. We just put one foot in front of the other and then one day everything feels a bit more normal again. Always around my anniversary I feel “squirly”. I get a case of the why do I need to share my story”? Why did so and so leave the fellowship?” What is my purpose? HOw come I keep making some of the same mistakes and dealing with the same issues?” Then a lightbulb will come. If it is working for you stay. Why they left is none of your business. Do meetings make you happy? Then they are working for you. Sharing our story connects us to others. It reminds us where we came from. And it is the glue that holds our program together!
So that day when then sun shines brighter and then birds chirp louder and everything feels easy. It is a gift just like all those years of sober living! Enjoy!
What great advice! I personally have not had to fight this battle, but have faced my own personal battles with depression. It can be easy to give up, but what do you really gain by doing that? Congrats on your anniversary!
Thanks you so much Jennifer for coming to my site. I appreciate you taking the time to read my blog. Please share with others.
I am glad I came across your page. I work with a few people that are in recovery and I hear them say somethe of the things your mentioned in your post. I do not understand what it is like so I try my best to give advice to them when they are feeling down . I will direct them to your page because I believe maybe you can help. I think this is great what you are doing .
Hello and thank you for coming to my site please share it with others. My goal is to help others and make them feel comfortable sharing their own struggles. That is how we connect.