Not worthy

Does anyone else out there ever feel not worthy or less than?  After many years of therapy and sobriety you’d think I am over this.  I got this.  Then the voices in your head start saying “She does this better. Your not exercising enough.  You need to do more.  You should not have moved.  What was wrong with your old house.

For whatever reason the past few years I am struggling again with self-worth.  Friendships change continuously, people move away, your kids circle shifts.  You don’t always get invited to everything, although you may want to go.  Then add not being able to drink to quiet those feelings and bam your feeling kind of depressed.  I know I have nothing to be truly weepy over but sometimes you just are. Family dynamics of aging parents, sibling rivalry, you name it and the brain and body can only handle so much before it’s overwhelmed.  I am thinking of taking a mom get away but then its hard enough to coordinate dinner with friends let alone a yoga trip.  I may go solo or I may just do a day trip close by.

Does anyone else out there go through these times and how do you handle them.  For now an extra meeting is an order.

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