When I came into the rooms God was someone that I thought had given up on me. He was someone who I always thought was judging me and that I disappointed so many times. Although I grew up Catholic, many circumstances pushed me far from the church and I had reached a point where my soul was empty and lost. At my first meeting many people referenced God and I was surprised a bunch of alcoholics were praying to a “higher power” but I figured my way wasn’t doing me any good so I kept an open mind. As time went on I started seeing little times where God had saved my life or steered the boat away from worse outcomes to get me to the rooms.
Now I do consider myself Catholic but I also read books about the Dalai lama and Buddha. I went to a Buddhist temple this weekend for a beautiful meditation that really impacted my spirit. What I am learning is that it doesn’t matter who we choose as our God as long as we have a power greater than ourselves. Someone to trust to guide me, provide answers when I am confused, someone to cry with and laugh with, someone to love me unconditionally. I now know God never judged me, it was me judging me. He was always there waiting for me to get sober.
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